Olive Team

The program is run by the Media Governance and Industries Research Lab. We are also supported by volunteers and students from the University of Vienna.

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Project Leader

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharine Sarikakis

Chair of Media Governance, Organization and Media Industries Jean Monnet Chair of European Media Governance and Integration Personal website of Professor Sarikakis .

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Project management

Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa, BA MA

Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna. She is awarded the APPEAR scholarship funded by the Austrian Agency. Bruk is also a lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Mass communication, Haramaya University, Ethiopia. She served as the Head of the Department for three years before she started her doctoral study. She has been with OLIve program since 2017 and undertaken different roles including coordinator, tutor, and facilitator.

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Project management

Dr. Gert Tomita

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The programme OLIve at the University of Vienna has provided courses and mentoring and pastoral support by full Professors, as well as Assistant professors of the University of Vienna and other educational institutions in the country. Moreover, OLIve Vienna has been supported by a high number of volunteers from several countries as well as civil society organisations based in Vienna. Through the years, OLIve Vienna has also had the benefit of receiving expertise and knowledge support from small, local companies and our participants have benefited by the direct interaction with academics, professionals, expert as well as peers and students. The commitment, enthusiasm, professionalism and sense of urgency of this high number of individuals from Austrian society has helped provide a unique programme, which has earned the respect and approval of all those involved, as students or teachers, but also all those institutions who have witnessed our work. We are grateful to everyone who walked through the physical and virtual doors our programme and contributed to the success of OLIve Vienna.

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Advisory Board

Ambassador Mag. Georg

Since January 2019, Georg Pöstinger is the Austrian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prior to this position, Mr. Pöstinger worked as Deputy Inspector General of the Foreign Ministry, which he joined in 2003. After positions in Stockholm and Tokyo he served as Deputy Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2010 to 2014. From 2014 to 2016 he was head of the unit “Nuclear Weapons, IAEA, CTBTO Prep Com and NPT” in the Department of Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation where he had been working already from 2003 to 2005.

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Advisory Board

Dr. Melita Hummel-

Dr. Melita H. Sunjic, a journalist by profession, has worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for 25 years in various communications functions in Europe. Africa, Asia and the Middle East. In 2018 she left UNHCR and started Transcultural Campaigning, an agency for migration research and communication, which advises governments and international organizations.

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Advisory Board

Thomas A. Bauer, Dr. phil,
Dr. hc

Professor emeritus at Department of Communication at University of Vienna, Audio-visual Media and developing over the years a working program in Media Culture, Media Literacy Studies, and Media Theory. Additional fields of research and teaching so far are: Future Studies, Environmental Communication, Health Communication, Epistemology, Trans-cultural Dialogue of Religions, Cultural Studies, Migration, Minorities and Social Change issues. Next to theoretical work he is engaged in maintaining a critical reflexive interrelation between theoretical analysis and innovative practice. That has been the motif of founding University broadcasting (u-tv, u-ton) 1995 and co-founding OKTO Community TV Vienna in 2005 as a model of alternative media-work as well as other projects in the field of magazine media.

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Advisory Board

Dr. Birgit Wolf

Post Doc Research Associate at Media Governance and Industries Research Lab and Lecturer at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna. Since 2004 teaching, research and projects with a focus on gender in the areas of communication, journalism, media, ICT and prevention of violence. 2013 Doctorate (Dr.phil) in Communication Science (History and Theory of Audiovisual Communication) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​dissertation on the subject 'Shaping the visual' of gender based violence. How visual discourse on intimate partner violence and European anti-violence initiatives construct accounts of the social world. International Certified Coach, UPEACE Certificate “Trafficking in Persons” University for Peace - United Nations, Board Member Association of Autonomous Women's Shelter Network Austria, Member of the Network on Gender and Violence.

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Advisory Board

Dr. Petra Herczeg

Senior Lecturer and Vice-Study Program Director at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna 2016/17 Habilitation: “The measure of dignity. A human right as a communicative challenge "(A measure of dignity. A human right as a communicative challenge). Research Interests: Migration and Media; Intercultural communication; Journalism. Member of the Academic Advisory Board "Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights", University of Vienna; Core team member of the Research Platform "#YouthMediaLife", University of Vienna.

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Teachers' reflections

"I worked as an English language tutor at the OLIve Project from April to June 2018. It was a great opportunity for me, as I could get in touch with people from different countries who had different cultural backgrounds. To me, teaching represents a great satisfaction as I think it increases the personal growth of an individual; it enhances creativity; and critical thinking is strengthened. Therefore, the classroom becomes an effective place for open discussions. During my activity at the OLIve project, me and other tutors focused on different topics - according to the lessons taught before as well - and we took the lead for further discussions, involving all the students who were free to express their opinion and provide us with concrete examples. To me, it was a great moment for gathering and a great opportunity to exchange ideas and different points of view. The topics discussed were for instance freedom of speech, the concept of democracy and the effective use of technologies to spread awareness about specific phenomena. We met every Saturday and the discussion was led in English. English is considered a "lingua franca" and it is therefore used to communicate also among people coming from countries where English is not the first language. Therefore, I think it is important that English is offered at the "OLIve Projekt". Another good reason why English should be offered in the future as well at "OLIve" is that some students are shy and they do not feel ready to talk in German, so using the English language may be helpful for them to convey their thoughts and ideas."

- Olimpia P. Brichese

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“Please continue. I think it is a great programme to support the students in their academic development and give them a start and an insight on academic educational programms in Europe.”

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“How educated and how amazing the students are, they just need some tools and experience to help them along the way”

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“Resilience and narrow survival experiences do not just harden people. It can also make them more open.”

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“Keep it up. This is great for integration and for humanity.”

“As asylum-seekers, people have to deal with so many fundamental challenges in life that academic tasks start looking like a luxury many cannot afford to invest in. OLIVE tried to remedy that and for this I am grateful to have been part of the project.”

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“The most rewarding experience for me was contributing to a program that offers hope to people who have been through a lot.”

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“The program not only benefits the participants but also society by helping refugees and asylum seeking persons integrate into the European way of life.”

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“As a teacher I became once more aware of the importance of empathy - as an atmospheric factor of interest, participation, activation.”

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“These programs are an important contribution to providing access to the university for people in a difficult situation.”

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“It is a great/vital and helpful program/helping refugees and preparing them for future life in Europe. All of us teacher/students must support this kind of program.”

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“The OLIVE experience strengthened again my belief, that we are at core all the same, we all struggle for safety, love, affection, recognition.”

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“When talking about refugees and asylum seeking people, I have the feeling that people tend to judge from rather the macro-perspective. It is VERY important to make these people VISIBLE into our society, to get to know the humans and not the "refugee group". In doing so, I think we can give these people the dignity and recognition back, which most of them have the feeling they lost on the way. This is why, such programs are very important. In both ways: for the participants but also for the tutors, since this exchange is very valuable in my eyes.”

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“Bitte machen Sie weiter so! Ich denke es ist ein großartiges Programm um StudentInnen in ihrer wissenschatlichen Fortbildung zu unterstützen und Einblicke in das Hochschulwesen Europas zu verschaffen.”

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“Wie gebildet und toll die Stuenten sind, Sie brauchen einfach nur einpaar Werkzeuge und Erfahrungen um Sie auf ihrem Weg zu unterstützen.”

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“Widerstandsfähigkeit und harte Überlebenserfahrungen stählern nicht nur Menschen. Es macht Sie auch großzügiger.”

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“Weiter so! Dies ist gut für die Integration und die Menschheit.”

“Asylwerbende Menschen haben im tagtäglichen Leben mit wesentlichen Herausforderungen zu kämpfen so dass ein akademischer Werdegang als ein Luxus begriffen wird und somit für viele als eine nicht finanzierbare Investition erscheint. OLIve versuchte ein Heilmittel gegen diese Auffassung zu sein und deshalb bin ich dankbar am Projekt teilgenommen zu haben.”

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“Die lohnenswerteste Erfahrung für mich war mein Beitrag für ein Programm dass jenen Menschen Hoffnung gab, die viel durchmachen mussten.”

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“Das Programm kommt nicht nur den TeilnehmerInnen zugute sondern auch der Gesellschaft indem man Flüchtlingen und asylsuchenden Personen bei der Integration in die Europäische Lebensart behilflich ist.”

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“Als Lehrer wurde mir wieder einmal die Wichtigkeit von Empathie vor Augen geführt – ein atmosphärischer Faktor von Interesse, Partizipation und Aktivierung.”

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“Solche Programme sind ein wichtiger Beitrag um Menschen in schwierigen Situationen den Einstieg in die Universität zu gewährleisten.”

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“Es ist ein großartiges und hilfreiches Programm indem man Flüchtlinge auf ihre Zukunft in Europa vorbereitet. Jede/r Lehrer/in und Student/in muss solche und ähnliche Programme unterstützen.”

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“Die Erfahrung bei OLIve hat meinen Glauben gestärkt, dass wir Alle im Grunde genommen gleich sind. Wir alle streben nach Sicherheit, Liebe, Zuneigung und Anerkennung.”

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“Wenn man über Flüchtlinge und asylsuchende Menschen spricht, habe ich das Gefühl, dass die Menschen dazu neigen, eher aus einer Vogelperspektive zu urteilen. Es ist aber sehr wichtig, diese Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft sichtbar zu machen, die Menschen kennenzulernen und nicht die "Flüchtlingsgruppe". Ich denke, so können wir diesen Menschen die Würde und Anerkennung zurückgeben, die die meisten von ihnen auf dem Weg verloren haben. Deshalb sind solche Programme sehr wichtig. In beiderlei Hinsicht: für die TeilnehmerInnen, aber auch für die BetreuerInnen, denn dieser Austausch ist in meinen Augen sehr wertvoll”

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